Public Sector Administration

We aim to promote good governance and good practice in delivering public services. Our experts have worked on more than 100 public administration and governance reform projects in 60 different countries around the world. Our multi-disciplinary team includes full-time international consultants with a long and successful experience leading, designing and implementing public administration and capacity building projects. Additionally, we have developed an extensive network of international partnerships with world-renowned universities, think tanks and NGOs which enable us to field multi-national teams with country or region-specific specialist skills.

Featured Experiences

Public Administration Reform

The ability of governments to achieve their economic and social aims with limited resources is dependent upon the efficiency and focus of government. Public administration institutions in emerging countries are the cornerstone of reform. They are often considered the single most pressing development issue in fragile states and post conflict environments. If institutions are not professional, efficient, flexible and transparent then reform and development efforts will not succeed.

Human Resources Management

Human Resource management and development is an essential component of effective reform of civil services worldwide. Ineffective human resource management leads to an under motivated body of officials and inappropriate incentives for reform. Human Resource management and Human Resource Development are at the core of CGA capability.


Effective decentralization requires the state to decentralize the delivery of basic services including the functions, functionaries and finance, to local authorities, which are relatively closer to the people. Also important is the establishment of institutional mechanisms to improve voice for the people, which enable people to demand accountability from the local authorities responsible for delivery of basic services. Our approach to decentralization covers many activities including those listed below.


Corruption is a problem all over the world, but is particularly prevalent in developing countries and emerging economies where robust and accountable public institutions are often in their infancy. Corruption affects entire societies adversely, and attitudes to corruption become increasingly ambivalent as long as the incidence of corruption remains unchecked. Anti-corruption strategies are therefore inextricably linked to economic and social development in countries where corruption is a problem.

To reduce corrupt practices, which distort economic decisions and undermine confidence in public institutions, CGA provides technical assistance on strategies to curb corruption and foster governmental transparency, integrity and accountability. CGA’s experience of corruption, and anti-corruption initiatives is broad and long-standing, and is the result of work on reform projects where corruption has proved to be an obstacle, as well as work on projects specifically designed to combat corruption.

Public Finance

Robust public finances are essential to effective government. A stable and fair tax base, that is transparent and neutral, in addition to accountable expenditure, appropriate management and monitoring systems enable governments to deliver a strong, supportive environment for businesses and public services.

CGA builds on the principles of fiscal discipline, legitimacy, predictability, transparency and accountability to reform and strengthen public finances.

Institutional Restructuring

Successful reform of central decision making institutions and the creation of a stable policy environment has the potential for being the most far-reaching of all public reforms and can prove the most effective measure to combat poor government and persistent poverty. Major development organizations are increasingly identifying institutional constraints at the center as a primary cause of policy volatility and as well as crippling public service delivery which also leads to reduced foreign investment and slower private sector development.

Centre of government reform is, however, a high risk business and requires implementing change at the highest political and administrative levels. CGA is adept at working in these highly pressurized and politically sensitive environments. Our staff has worked side by side with ministers and agency directors, international development organizations staff and key stakeholders. We know how to achieve effective and sustainable centre of Government reform and pride ourselves on the trust and understanding we build in our working relationships with client governments.

We understand that even our technical expertise cannot ensure successful reform at this level without first being able to express our ideas in a way that is relevant to our counterparts in government and securing the personal and political support of senior figures crucial to the reform effort.